On December 21, 2021, a coalition of civil and voting rights organizations and Maryland voters filed a federal lawsuit against Baltimore County, the Baltimore County Council members, and the Baltimore County Board of Elections challenging the enacted County Council redistricting plan as diluting Black voters’ voting strength in violation of § 2 of the federal Voting Rights Act (“VRA”). They sought a declaratory judgment the plan violated the VRA, an injunction barring the plan from use in future elections, and an order requiring the County Council to adopt a new, lawful plan.

  • On February 22, 2022, the federal district court granted a preliminary injunction barring the plan from future use and directing the County to adopt a new plan containing an additional majority-Black district and submit it to the court by March 8.
  • The County submitted its remedial plan to the court on March 8 and the court approved the remedial on March 25, 2022.
  • On May 9, 2022, the court dismissed the case upon joint agreement of the parties.


U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, Northern Division - No. 1:21-cv-3232