The Decennial Census does not just collect data on the broad categories of Race & Ethnicity used in redistricting. It also captures the much more detailed information on countries of origin and regional groups within each broad category, such as Asian or Hispanic. This map will showcase some of this detailed information by digging down and looking at some more detailed regional groups such as Mexican, Central America, East Asian, South Asian and other regional groups.
This map utilizes the racial and ethnic regional group information from the 2020 Census Demographic & Housing Characteristics File A. This dataset comes directly from the 2020 Decennial Census despite being released in late 2023, over two years after the release of the P.L. 94-171 Redistricting Data.
The map below shows the predominant regional group of each tract. You can dig deeper and show the percentage of each individual regional group using the "Change Map" button at the bottom. You can use the same interface to examine the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th most predominate group. Take note, that due to data privacy limitations groups with raw counts below 95 were suppressed in the raw data set.
The image below depicts the countries classified within each regional group per the Census Bureau. There are two groups, Alaskan Native/American Indian Group and the African American, that are not shown on the map, despite their classification as "regional groups" in the interactive map.