Total Non-Citizen Population
The ACS 5-year Estimates from 2015-2019 peg the total resident population of the United States at 324,697,795 including 302,533,815 citizens (93.2% of the total population) and 22,163,980 non-citizens (6.8%).
Fair Lines America Foundation used the ACS 5-year Estimates from 2015-2019 to forecast how the Census Bureau would reapportion congressional representation based on the total citizen population rather than the total resident population. A weighted growth rate was used to calculate the 2020 citizen population estimates.
These forecasts are based upon the citizen and non-citizen population estimates produced from the American Community Survey and released by the Census Bureau.
Apportionment Based on Citizenship

If the United States apportioned representation based on the total citizen population, California would lose four seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, New York would lose two, and New Jersey and Illinois would each lose one. Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, Oregon, and Texas would gain one seat each.