In the November 2022 Election, over 6,400 state legislative districts across 46 states were up for election (Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, and Virginia did not hold state legislative elections). All of these 2022 election results have now been uploaded to the Map Page. *Montana’s 2022 State Legislative elections were held under the previous decade’s lines.
Overall, Republicans netted 35 seats, while Democrats had a net loss of 6 seats. Other parties and vacancies account for 26 of the changes. Wyoming also added 1 new senate seat and 2 new house seats – all three of which were picked up by Republicans.
Lower Chamber Elections

Upper Chamber Elections

Despite the GOP gains, 4 Republican-held chambers flipped to Democrats: the Michigan House, Michigan Senate, Minnesota House, and Pennsylvania House. Meanwhile, 5 states expanded their majorities into veto-proof majorities: Vermont, Delaware, and Illinois for Democrats, and Florida and Ohio for Republicans.
**Following the election, Democrats in North Carolina and Louisiana changed their party affiliation to join the GOP, giving Republicans supermajorities in both states.