On February 25, 2022, a group of Maryland voters filed a petition with the Maryland Court of Appeals challenging the state’s enacted congressional redistricting plan as a pro-Democrat and anti-Republican partisan gerrymander that violated the Maryland Declaration of Rights’ Free Elections, Equal Protection, and Free Speech Clauses and the Maryland Constitution’s Purity of Elections Clause. They argued the Court should assume original jurisdiction over this action, consolidate it with two congressional challenges already pending in a Maryland circuit court, and decide the case on the same schedule as their already pending review of the state’s enacted legislative plan.

  • On March 1, 2022, the Court denied the petition without prejudice to the petitioners seeking leave to file amicus curiae briefs with the Court if and when the congressional plan challenges reached it.

Similar Cases: Parrott v. Lamone; Szeliga v. Lamone


Maryland Court of Appeals - Misc. No. 30