On December 2, 2021, the Connecticut Reapportionment Commission, which had assumed congressional map drawing authority after the Connecticut General Assembly failed to enact a plan, filed a petition with the Connecticut Supreme Court seeking to extend its deadline to enact a final plan from November 30 to December 21.
- On December 9, the Court granted the extension as requested but required the Commission to file an interim status report by December 15 including the names of three proposed special masters in the event the Commission failed to meet its new deadline.
- The Commission failed to meet the December 21 deadline so, on December 23, the Court appointed Nathaniel Persily as special master and ordered him to file a final plan with the Secretary of State by February 15, 2022.
- On January 18, 2022, the special master submitted his recommended plan, an alternative plan, and report to the Court.
- On February 10, 2022, the Court adopted the special master’s recommended plan as final.
Connecticut Supreme Court - No. S.C. 20661 [formerly No. S.C. 210153]
- Petition to Remand to the Reapportionment Commission - 12/2/21
- Notice - 12/6/21
- Order - 12/9/21
- Interim Report - 12/15/21
- Order - 12/16/21
- Republican Commissioners' Proposed Special Masters - 12/21/21
- Final Report of the Reapportionment Commission - 12/21/21
- Order - 12/21/21
- Order Appointing and Directing Special Master - 12/23/21
- Response to Motion for Reconsideration of December 23, 2021 Order Appointing and Directing Special Master - 12/27/21
- Order - 12/27/21
- Brief of the Reapportionment Commission Democratic Members Martin Looney, Bob Duff, Matthew Ritter, and Jason Rojas in Support of Congressional Redistricting Plan Submitted to Special Master - 1/4/22
- Substitute Brief with Corrected Map Submitted to the Special Master by the Republican Members of the Connecticut Reapportionment Commission on the Congressional Redistricting Process - 1/6/22
- Response of the Reapportionment Commission Democratic Members to Redistricting Plan Submitted by Reapportionment Commission Republican Members and Maps Submitted by Connecticut Republican Party - 1/7/22
- Reply Brief Submitted to the Special Master by the Republican Members of the Connecticut Reapportionment Commission on the Congressional Redistricting Process - 1/13/22
- Report and Plan of the Special Master - 1/18/22
- Notice of Filing - 1/18/22
- Brief Submitted by the Republican Members of the Connecticut Reapportionment Commission - 1/24/22
- Brief as Amicus Curiae Submitted by the Reapportionment Commission Democratic Members in Support of the Report and Plan of the Special Master - 1/24/22
- Notice - 1/25/22
- Final Order - 2/10/22