On November 30, 2021, a group of California voters filed a petition with the California Supreme Court challenging certain actions by the California Citizens Redistricting Commission during the redistricting process as violating state constitutional and statutory requirements for public input and transparency. They alleged the Commission held closed door meeting to discuss redistricting without adequate public notice, failed to disclose records and materials from closed door meetings including voting and demographic statistical analyses, and impermissibly retained legal counsel who was affiliated with the California Legislature and Democratic Party in violation of California Constitution Article XXI, § 2, and California Government Code § 8253. They sought a writ of prohibition and writ of mandate prohibiting the Commission from communicating with outside parties on redistricting outside of public meetings, compelling the disclosure of secret meetings and withheld materials, and requiring the termination of their counsel.
- On December 15, 2021, the California Supreme Court denied the petition.
California Supreme Court - No. S272036
- Emergency Petition for Writs of Prohibition and Mandate or Other Extraordinary or Immediate Relief for a Stay on Secret Meetings of the Citizens Redistricting Commission, Disclosure of Information Influencing Redistricting, and Retaining New Counsel - 11/30/21
- Declaration of Counsel in Support of Emergency Petition for Writs of Prohibition and Mandate or Other Extraordinary Relief; Memorandum of Points and Authorities; Declarations of Petitioners Moreno, Badie, Zhou Conroy, Bialosky, and Bland - 11/30/21