On October 1, 2021, Colorado’s Independent Congressional Redistricting Commission submitted its final congressional redistricting plan to the Colorado Supreme Court for the state constitution’s mandatory plan review and approval process.
- On November 1, 2021, the Court approved the Commission’s congressional plan as lawful.
Colorado Supreme Court - No. 2021SA208
- Petition for Judicial Review and for This Court to Establish a Schedule - 7/13/21
- Order - 7/15/21
- Brief of the Colorado Secretary of State - 7/22/21
- Colorado Independent Legislative Redistricting Commission's Response Regarding the Colorado Supreme Court's Order Dated July 15, 2021 - 7/22/21
- Amicus Curiae Brief of Fair Lines Colorado - 7/22/21
- Reply in Support of Request to Establish a Schedule - 7/23/21
- Order - 7/26/21
- Scheduling Order - 7/26/21
- Final Congressional Redistricting Plan - 10/1/21
- Exhibit A to Final Plan - 10/1/21
- Exhibit B to Final Plan - 10/1/21
- Exhibit C to Final Plan - 10/1/21
- Exhibit D to Final Plan - 10/1/21
- Exhibit E to Final Plan - 10/1/21
- Exhibit F to Final Plan - 10/1/21
- Exhibit G to Final Plan - 10/1/21
- Exhibit H to Final Plan - 10/1/21
- Exhibit I to Final Plan - 10/1/21
- Brief of LULAC and Colorado LULAC - 10/7/21
- Amicus Curiae Brief of All on the Line: Colorado - 10/8/21
- Brief of Intervenor Paul D. Lopez, Clerk and Recorder, City and County of Denver - 10/8/21
- Colorado Common Cause's Congressional Redistricting Plan Brief - 10/8/21
- Colorado Independent Congressional Redistricting Commission's Brief in Support of Approval of Final Congressional Redistricting Plan - 10/8/21
- Colorado Latino Leadership, Advocacy & Research Organization's Brief in Opposition to the Proposed Congressional Redistricting Plan and Map - 10/8/21
- Amicus Curiae Brief of the Colorado Multi-Ethnic Coalition and the Hispanic Churches of the Central District/Distrito Central of the Assemblies of God in Northern Colorado - 10/8/21
- Amicus Curiae Brief of DCCC in Support of Interested Party - 10/8/21
- Statement of Interested Party-Proponent Douglas County Board of County Commissioners in Support of the Colorado Independent Congressional Redistricting Commission's Final Plan - 10/8/21
- Eagle County's Objection to the Final Congressional Redistricting Plan - 10/8/21
- Brief of Fair Lines Colorado - 10/8/21
- Brief of Jerry M. Natividad - 10/8/21
- Brief of Summit County and Town of Breckenridge in Support of Final Plan - 10/8/21
- Amicus Curiae Brief of William Thiebaut Objecting to the Final Plan - 10/8/21
- Colorado Independent Congressional Redistricting Commission's Reply Brief in Support of Approval of Final Congressional Redistricting Plan - 10/11/21
- Opinion - 11/1/21