On February 3, 2022, Colorado’s Secretary of State filed a petition with the Colorado Supreme Court requesting adjustments to certain legislative district boundaries in accordance with the state’s statutory revision procedures for new, commission-adopted redistricting plans. The Secretary requested authority to make 20 changes to state Senate districts and 42 changes to state House districts, all addressing split residential parcels.
- On March 18, 2022, the Colorado Supreme Court granted the Secretary’s petition and approved the proposed changes.
Similar Case: In re Proposed Changes to Cong. District Borders
Colorado Supreme Court - No. 2022SA000028
- The Secretary of State's Petition to Adjust Borders Between State Legislative Districts - 2/3/22
- Order - 2/3/22
- Colorado Independent Legislative Redistricting Commission's Brief in Response to Secretary of State's Petition to Adjust Borders Between State Legislative Districts - 2/17/22
- The Secretary of State's Reply in Support of Petition to Adjust Borders Between State Legislative Districts - 2/24/22
- Order - 3/4/22
- The Secretary of State's Supplemental Brief in Response to the Court's March 4 Order - 3/11/22
- Colorado Independent Legislative Redistricting Commission's Brief in Response to March 4, 2022 Order - 3/11/22
- Order Granting Petition - 3/18/22