Party Control

2022 Midterm Elections by Redistricting Control

2022 Midterm Elections by Redistricting Control

The 45 states with State Legislative elections under new lines had starkly different partisan outcomes between February 2021 & December 2022 . States are grouped into five control ...

2023 Redistricting Control

Redistricting control as of January 18, 2023.

Congressional Redistricting Republican Control (20 States - 187 Seats): Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas**, Kentucky**, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska...

A Brief History of Modern Congressional Redistricting Control (1960-2020)

In the United States, the responsibility for redistricting (the redrawing of election districts) is given to the state legislatures under Article I, Section 4 of the Constitution. After each dece...

2021 Party Control Map - Expectations vs. Reality

Expectations At the beginning of the 2020 redistricting cycle, we published a blog post detailing who controlled the redistricting process in each state. But the realities of the cycle had oth...

2021 Redistricting Control

Redistricting control as of April 26, 2021.

Congressional Redistricting Republican Control (20 States - 187 Seats): Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas**, Kentucky**, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska...

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