On October 28, 2019, a North Carolina state court preliminarily enjoined the state’s 2016 congressional redistricting plan from use in future elections as an unconstitutional partisan gerrymander, leaving the General Assembly to decide whether to appeal or redraw their congressional plan before the 2020 election (Common Cause v. Lewis). On October 31, 2019, several N.C. voters and a N.C. congressional candidate filed a federal lawsuit against the President of the N.C. Senate, the Speaker of the N.C. House, the N.C. State Board of Elections, and various state election officials alleging they had undertaken substantial campaign and electoral activities anticipating the 2020 elections to be held under the 2016 plan and alleged changes to the map at this point would lead to substantial uncertainty and confusion amongst voters, candidates, and campaign operations. They sought a judicial declaration that any changes to congressional districts after December 2, 2020, would violate the plaintiffs’ constitutional rights to vote and participate in the electoral process and an injunction barring the defendants from conducting the 2020 elections under any other plan than the 2016 one.

  • On December 5, 2019, the plaintiffs voluntarily dismissed their suit, thereby ending the case.


U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina - No. 2:19-cv-00037