Case Summary
Texas’s legislature was unable to pass a congressional redistricting plan after the 2000 Census, so a three-judge federal district court panel adopted its own interim plan for the 2002 elections. In 2003, the newly Republican-controlled legislature enacted a new plan that was used in the 2004 elections, and thereafter several federal lawsuits were filed challenging the plan as a partisan gerrymander in violation of the U.S. Constitution’s 1st Amendment and Equal Protection Clause and as diluting certain minority populations’ voting strength in violation of § 2 of the federal Voting Rights Act (“VRA”). Plaintiffs’ § 2 claims focused on District 23, which went from having a 57.5% Latino citizen voting-age population (“CVAP”) to 46% under the new plan, and District 25, which aimed to offset changes to District 23 by captured two different Latino communities in central and southern Texas to form a new majority-Latino district with a 55% Latino CVAP.
- On June 28, 2006, the U.S. Supreme Court held that District 23 violated § 2 since, prior to being redrawn, the Thornburg v. Gingles preconditions were satisfied such that Latino voters there could’ve formed an “opportunity district.” The Court explained § 2 does not provide a right to a district that isn’t “reasonably compact” and, therefore, the State’s new District 25 could not justify their dismantling of District 23, which was reasonably compact, for § 2 compliance purposes. Unlike the “compactness” inquiry for equal protection purposes, which looks to the size of the district itself, the compactness inquiry for § 2 purposes looks to the geographic proximity of the relevant minority population itself and their social and economic needs. Applying that standard here, the Court found the “enormous geographical distance” between the two Latino communities in District 25, along with their distinct needs and interests, rendered District 25 noncompact for § 2 purposes and ordered that District 23 be redrawn.
Significance: (1) In the context of a vote dilution claim under § 2, the "compactness" inquiry looks to the geographical, social and demographical cohesiveness and characteristics of a minority group within a district, while in the Equal Protection context, the "compactness" inquiry examines the relative compactness of the district's shape itself; (2) § 2 does not allow a state to create a non-compact minority-opportunity district in order to "compensate" for the elimination of a compact minority-opportunity district in a different part of the state.
Case Library
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Marshall Division - 2:03-cv-354 [formerly Session v. Perry] [consolidated with 2:03-cv-380]
- Plaintiffs' Original Complaint and Request for Designation of Three-Judge Court - 10/12/03
- Order Constituting Three-Judge Court - 10/17/03
- Plaintiffs' Application for Preliminary Injunction, and Brief - 10/23/03
- The State of Texas, Governor Perry and Secretary of State Connor's Answer to Plaintiffs' Original Complaint - 10/27/03
- Governor Perry, Speaker Craddick, Lieutenant Governor Dewhurst and Secretary of State Connor's Answer to Plaintiffs' Original Complaint - 10/27/03
- Plaintiffs, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Request for Declaratory Judgment Relief, Request for Injunctive Relief, and Original Complaint - 11/3/03
- Order of Consolidation - 11/6/03
- Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint - 11/7/03
- Cherokee County Plaintiffs' Brief in Opposition to Judicial Modification of Texas Election Procedures, and Request for Expedited Consideration of Application for Preliminary Injunction - 11/7/03
- Supplement to Cherokee County Plaintiffs' Brief in Opposition to Judicial Modification of Texas Election Procedures - 11/7/03
- Plaintiffs Texas State Conference of NAACP Branches' Motion to Intervene - 11/7/03
- Plaintiffs Texas State Conference of NAACP Branches' Alternative Motion to Intervene - 11/7/03
- Texas-NAACP First Amended Complaint, Request for Declaratory Judgment Relief, and Request for Injunctive Relief - 11/7/03
- Plaintiffs American GI Forum of Texas, et al., First Amended Complaint - 11/7/03
- LULAC Letter Brief - 11/7/03
- Motion to Intervene of Travis County and the City of Austin - 11/10/03
- Amended Answer of Defendant Charles Soechting, Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party to the First Amended Complaint of Plaintiff-Intervenors Valdez-Cox, Montalvo and Leo - 11/12/03
- Amended Answer of Defendant Charles Soechting, Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party to the First Amended Complaint of Plaintiff LULAC - 11/12/03
- Amended Answer of Defendant Charles Soechting, Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party to the Amended Complaint of the Jackson Plaintiffs, the Mayfield Plaintiffs, the Manley Plaintiff, and Their Co-Plaintiffs - 11/12/03
- Original Answer of Defendant Charles Soechting, Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party to the Complaint in Intervention by Travis County and the City of Austin - 11/12/03
- Plaintiffs', Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Motion for Summary Judgment - 11/13/03
- Cherokee County Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment, and Brief - 11/13/03
- State Defendants' Motion to Dismiss and Brief in Support - 11/13/03
- Motion for Summary Judgment By Travis County and The City of Austin - 11/13/03
- The Jackson Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment - 11/13/03
- Plaintiff LULAC's Motion for Preliminary Injunction and Summary Judgment and Memorandum in Support - 11/14/03
- Supplement to Motion for Summary Judgment by Travis County and The City of Austin - 11/14/03
- Cherokee County Plaintiffs' Response in Opposition to Perry Defendants' Motion to Dismiss, and Brief - 11/17/03
- Plaintiffs, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Request for Declaratory Judgment Relief, Injunctive Relief, and First Amended Complaint - 11/17/03
- Webb County, Texas and Cameron County, Texas Motion to Intervene - 11/17/03
- Order Granting Webb County and Cameron County's Motion to Intervene - 11/18/03
- Complaint in Intervention - 11/18/03
- Order - 11/19/03
- Defendant, Charles Soechting, Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party's, Response to Plaintiffs' Motions for Summary Judgment and to State Defendants' Motion to Dismiss - 11/24/03
- Response to Motions for Summary Disposition by William C. ("Bill") Owens, Jr., Amicus Curiae Pro Se - 11/24/03
- Plaintiff-Intervenors, Valdez-Cox, Montalvo, and Leo's Response in Opposition to the State's Motion to Dismiss - 11/24/03
- State Defendants' Consolidated Brief in Response to Motions for Summary Judgment and LULAC's Motion for Preliminary Injunction - 11/24/03
- Response of Travis County and The City of Austin to State Defendants' Motion to Dismiss - 11/24/03
- The Jackson Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss the Mid-Decade and Partisan-Gerrymandering Claims - 11/24/03
- Response of Texas Congressional Democratic Intervenors to State Defendants' Motion to Dismiss - 11/24/03
- Plaintiffs'/Intervenors, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Response to State of Texas Motion to Dismiss and Reply to the State's Response to Congresswomen Lee and Johnson's Motion for Summary Judgment - 12/01/03
- Trial Brief of the Cherokee County Plaintiffs - 12/2/03
- Brief of The Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law as Amicus Curiae Supporting Plaintiffs - 12/3/03
- Trial Brief of Plaintiffs LULAC, Webb and Cameron County - 12/3/03
- Trial Submission of Defendant Charles Soechting Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party - 12/3/03
- Trial Brief of Travis County and The City of Austin - 12/3/03
- State Defendants' Trial Brief - 12/3/03
- Trial Brief of Plaintiffs GI Forum, et al. - 12/3/03
- Trial Brief of Plaintiff Intervenors Valdez-Cox, Montalvo, and Leo - 12/3/03
- Plaintiffs', Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Trial Brief - 12/3/03
- Pre-Trial Brief by William C. ("Bill") Owens, Jr., Amicus Curiae Pro Se - 12/3/03
- Trial Brief of the Jackson Plaintiffs and Democratic Congressional Intervenors - 12/3/03
- Amicus Curiae for Independents in Texas - 12/4/03
- Texas-NAACP Trial Brief and Request for Injunctive Relief - 12/4/03
- Plaintiffs', Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Amended Trial Brief - 12/9/03
- Brief of The City of Sunset Valley as Amicus Curiae in Support of Plaintiffs - 12/9/03
- Transcript of Bench Trial on Dec. 11, 2003 - 12/11/03
- Transcript of Bench Trial on Dec. 12, 2003 (I of II) - 12/12/03
- Transcript of Bench Trial on Dec. 12, 2003 (II of II) - 12/12/03
- Transcript of Bench Trial on Dec. 15, 2003 (I of II) - 12/15/03
- Transcript of Bench Trial on Dec. 15, 2003 (II of II) - 12/15/03
- Transcript of Bench Trial on Dec. 16, 2003 (I of II) - 12/16/03
- Transcript of Bench Trial on Dec. 16, 2003 (II of II) - 12/16/03
- Transcript of Bench Trial on Dec. 17, 2003 (I of II) - 12/17/03
- Transcript of Bench Trial on Dec. 17, 2003 (II of II) - 12/17/03
- Transcript of Bench Trial on Dec. 18, 2003 (I of II) - 12/18/03
- Transcript of Bench Trial on Dec. 18, 2003 (II of II) - 12/18/03
- Cherokee County Plaintiffs' Brief in Opposition to Remedial Judicial Action in the Event of Preclearance Objection by Justice Department - 12/18/03
- Brief of the Rainbow/Push Coalition as Amicus Curiae Supporting Plaintiffs - 12/18/03
- Transcript of Bench Trial on Dec. 19, 2003 (I of II) - 12/19/03
- Transcript of Bench Trial on Dec. 19, 2003 (II of II) - 12/19/03
- Post-Trial Brief of Travis County and The City of Austin - 12/20/03
- Plaintiffs'/Intervenors', Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Post-Trial Brief - 12/21/03
- Post Trial Brief of Plaintiff Intervenors Valdez-Cox, Montalvo, and Leo - 12/22/03
- Post-Trial Submission of Defendant Charles Soechting Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party - 12/22/03
- State Defendants' Post-Trial Brief - 12/22/03
- Post Trial Brief of the Jackson Plaintiffs and the Democratic Congressional Intervenors - 12/23/03
- Texas-NAACP Post Trial Brief - 12/23/03
- Texas Coalition of Black Democrats Post Trial Brief - 12/23/03
- Post-Trial Brief of Plaintiffs GI Forum, et al. - 12/23/03
- Post-Trial Brief by William C. ("Bill") Owens, Jr., Amicus Curiae Pro Se - 12/23/03
- Plaintiff LULAC, et al., Post Trial Brief - 12/29/03
- Memorandum Opinion - 1/6/04
- Jackson Plaintiffs' and Democratic Congressional Intervenors' Emergency Motion to Stay the Judgment Pending Appeal - 1/7/04
- Order Denying Emergency Motion to Stay Judgment Pending Appeal - 1/7/04
- Cherokee County Plaintiffs' Emergency Motion to Stay Judgment Pending Appeal - 1/7/04
- Travis County and The City of Austin's Emergency Motion to Stay Judgment Pending Appeal - 1/7/04
- Order Denying Travis County and City of Austin's Emergency Motion to Stay Judgment Pending Appeal - 1/8/04
- Order Denying Cherokee County Plaintiffs' Emergency Motion to Stay Judgment Pending Appeal - 1/8/04
- Judgment - 1/15/04
- Plaintiff LULAC Notice of Appeal - 1/21/04
U.S. Supreme Court - No. 03-9644 [formerly Henderson v. Perry, 543 U.S. 941 (2004)] [together with Nos. 03-1391; 03-1396; 03-1399; 03-1400]
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Marshall Division - 2:03-cv-354 [consolidated with 2:03-cv-380; 2:03-cv-356; 2:03-cv-367; 2:03-cv-380; 6:01-cv-158; 6:01-cv-218; 6:01-cv-231]
- Order Reopening Case - 10/18/04
- Brief of Plaintiff Henderson on Remand From the United States Supreme Court - 10/22/04
- Motion to Intervene by Michael Idrogo - 11/8/04
- Supreme Court Remand Judgment - 12/2/04
- Initial Brief of the Jackson Plaintiffs and the Democratic Congressional Intervenors on Remand - 12/6/04
- State Defendants' Opening Brief on Remand - 12/6/04
- Plaintiffs'/Intervenors', Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Post Remand Brief - 12/6/04
- Initial Brief of the Texas-NAACP on Remand - 12/6/04
- Initial Brief on Remand of Travis County and The City of Austin - 12/6/04
- Brief on Remand of Plaintiffs GI Forum, et al. - 12/6/04
- Notice of Attachment to Brief on Remand of Plaintiffs GI Forum, et al. - 12/7/04
- Brief of Plaintiff LULAC, et al., on Remand From the United States Supreme Court and Request to Supplement the Record - 12/7/04
- Plaintiff Henderson's Reply to State Defendants' Brief on Remand - 12/12/04
- Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party, Charles Soechting's, Initial Submission on Remand - 12/16/04
- Defendants' Memorandum in Opposition to Michael Idrogo's Motion to Intervene - 12/16/04
- Order - 12/22/04
- Plaintiffs'/Intervenors', Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Amended Post Remand Brief - 12/30/04
- Objection to Defendants' Memorandum in Opposition to Michael Idrogo's Motion to Intervene - 1/3/05
- Notice of Supplemental Filing of Copy of Texas Data Center Report - 1/5/05
- Reply Brief on Remand of Travis County and The City of Austin - 1/14/05
- Amicus Curiae Response Brief of University Professors Concerned About Equal Representation for Equal Numbers of Persons - 1/14/05
- Plaintiffs' Motion to Amend - 1/14/05
- Reply Brief of the Jackson Plaintiffs and the Democratic Congressional Intervenors on Remand - 1/14/05
- State Defendants' Response Brief on Remand - 1/14/05
- NAACP Response Brief - 1/14/05
- LULAC Supplemental Brief on Remand From the United States Supreme Court - 1/18/05
- Various Motions Filed by Amicus Norman S. Primus - 1/18/05
- State Defendants' Opposition to LULAC's Motion to Amend Its Complaint and LULAC's Motion to Supplement the Record - 1/20/05
- Transcript of Oral Argument on Jan. 21, 2005 - 1/21/05
- The Post-Hearing Brief of Amicus University Professors in Response to Questions From the Court - 1/24/05
- Plaintiffs' Unopposed Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Brief on Remand - 5/24/05
- Order - 6/2/05
- Plaintiffs' Second Unopposed Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Brief on Remand - 6/2/05
- Order - 6/6/05
- Memorandum Opinion - 6/9/05
- Final Judgment - 6/9/05
- Notice of Appeal - 6/10/05
U.S. Supreme Court - No. 05-204 [548 U.S. 399 (2006)] [consolidated with Nos. 05-254; 05-276; 05-439]
- Jurisdictional Statement - 8/9/05
- Letter from U.S. Supreme Court Consolidating Appeals - 12/29/05
- Brief of Amicus Curiae University Professors Concerned About Equal Representation for Equal Numbers of People in Support of Appellants - 1/5/06
- Brief of Amici Curiae The Reform Institute, Thomas Mann, and Norman Ornstein in Support of Appellants - 1/9/06
- Brief of Appellee Charles Soechting in Support of Appellants - 1/9/06
- Brief of Amicus Curiae Brennan Center for Justice at N.Y.U. School of Law Supporting Appellants - 1/10/06
- Brief of Amici Curiae League of Women Voters of the United States and League of Women Voters of Texas in Support of Reversal - 1/10/06
- Brief of Amici Curiae Samuel Issacharoff, et al., in Support of Appellants - 1/10/06
- Brief of Amici Curiae Professors Gary King, et al., in Support of Neither Party - 1/10/06
- Brief of Amicus Curiae The Center for American Progress in Support of Appellants - 1/10/06
- Brief of Amicus Curiae The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., in Support of Appellants - 1/10/06
- Appellant's Brief on the Merits - 1/10/06
- Brief of Amicus Curiae Ron Wilson in Support of Appellees - 1/31/06
- State Appellees' Brief - 2/1/06
- Brief of Appellees Tina Benkiser, Chairman, Republican Party of Texas, and John DeNoyelles - 2/1/06
- Brief of Amicus Curiae Senator Robert C. Jubelirer in Support of Appellees - 2/1/06
- Brief of Amicus Curiae The American Legislative Exchange Council and Free Enterprise Coalition in Support of Appellees - 2/1/06
- Brief of Amici Curiae Alan Heslop, PhD., et al., in Support of Appellees - 2/1/06
- Brief for the States of Utah, Nevada, and Ohio as Amici Curiae in Support of Appellees - 2/1/06
- Brief of Amicus Curiae Congressman Henry Bonilla in Support of Appellees - 2/1/06
- Brief of Amici Curiae Speaker of the Georgia House of Representatives Glenn Richardson, et al., in Support of Appellees - 2/1/06
- Brief of Amicus Curiae the Republican National Committee in Support of Appellees - 2/1/06
- Brief for the United States as Amicus Curiae Supporting Appellees - 2/1/06
- Brief of Amici Curiae Edward Blum, Visiting Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and Roger Clegg, President of the Center for Equal Opportunity, in Opposition to Appellants - 2/1/06
- Appellant LULAC's Reply Brief - 2/22/06
- Motion for Leave to File a Supplemental Brief After Oral Argument, and Supplemental Brief in Support of Appellants - 3/8/06
- Opinion - 6/28/06