
Redistricting Monthly: May 3, 2023

Recent Redistricting News

National News Congress Control of the U.S. House may come down to redistricting battles playing out in state courts. With the House so closely divided “ every seat matters .” Census The...

Redistricting Monthly: April 3, 2023

Recent Redistricting News

National News Redistricting Eric Holder’s NDRC has a new President and a new Executive Director. Multiple lawsuits moving through the courts could help Republicans gain seats in 2024. ...

Redistricting Monthly: March 8, 2023

Recent Redistricting News

National News Moore v. Harper Legal analysts believe SCOTUS may try to duck issuing an opinion in Moore v. Harper after the North Carolina Supreme Court agreed to rehear the case . S...

2030 Apportionment Forecast - 2022

As of December 2022.

Congressional representation is reapportioned every decade following the completion of the decennial census. Each year the Census Bureau produces the Population and Housing Unit Estimates Program; ...

Redistricting Monthly: February 8, 2023

Recent Redistricting News

National News Census The Biden Administration is moving forward with revising the way the Census Bureau asks about race and ethnicity . The proposed changes would combine race and ethnicity ...

The Restoring Equal and Accountable Legislators in the House Act

Earl Blumenauer (D - Portland) introduced the REAL House Act, to expand the House of Representatives to 585 & create a mechanism to increase the house following each apportionment.

The Restoring Equal and Accountable Legislators in the House Act , REAL House Act , would remove the cap of 435 total seats in the US House of Representatives in order to reduce the average congre...

Redistricting Glossary: Geography & Map Drawing

Redistricting terms related specifically to geography and drawing maps.

Block Assignment File The file format for many of the geographic products that the Census Bureau provides to states and other data users containing the small area census data necessary for leg...

Redistricting Glossary: Basics

Redistricting terms related specifically to the redistricting and electoral process.

Alternative Population Base A count other than total population from the federal decennial census that is used for redistricting. Apportionment After each Decennial Census, the populat...

Redistricting Glossary: Census

Redistricting terms related specifically to the Decennial Census and U.S. Census Bureau.

Alaska Native Self-identification among people of Alaska Native descent. There were six main Alaska Native groups in the 2020 Census: Alaska Athabaskan Aleut Inupiat Tlingit-Haida Tsimsh...

2023 Redistricting Control

Redistricting control as of January 18, 2023.

Congressional Redistricting Republican Control (20 States - 187 Seats): Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas**, Kentucky**, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska...

Shifting Seats

How population shifts since 1960 impacted Congressional Apportionment

Redistricting Monthly: January 11, 2023

This month's top redistricting news.

SIGNIFICANT MAPPING DEVELOPMENTS SOUTH CAROLINA A federal district court struck down South Carolina’s 1st Congressional District as racially gerrymandered and ordered the state to enact...

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