Redistricting Monthly

Redistricting Monthly: July 18, 2024

Recent Redistricting News

Supreme Court Updates Landry v. Callais - Justice Alito granted appellants' request for an extension of time to file their jurisdictional statements. Walen v. Burgum - The Supreme...

Redistricting Monthly: June 4, 2024

Recent Redistricting News

Supreme Court Updates Alexander v. S.C. NAACP - The Supreme Court upheld South Carolina's congressional map (6-3) finding that the lower court committed clear error. Landry v. Calla...

Redistricting Monthly: April 2, 2024

Recent Redistricting News

2024 Redistricting Roundup According to multiple media outlets the national congressional map improved in Republicans’ favor. The House map was already skewed to the GOP. Now it’s eve...

Redistricting Monthly: January 3, 2024

Recent Redistricting News

Redistricting News There are many outstanding redistricting fights left to be resolved before the 2024 elections. The left is accusing Republicans of launching a “ two-pronged attack ” on the ...

Redistricting Monthly: March 6, 2024

Recent Redistricting News

2024 Redistricting Roundup Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, New York, and North Carolina will use new congressional maps in 2024. There are 211 seats carried by Donald Trump (two more than in 2022)...

Redistricting Monthly: December 5, 2023

Recent Redistricting News

SCOTUS News Alexander v. S.C. State Conference of the NAACP The Supreme Court heard oral arguments on October 11th in a case concerning South Carolina’s congressional map. Plaintiffs succ...

Redistricting Monthly: September 14, 2023

Recent Redistricting News

SCOTUS News Allen v. Milligan Chief Justice Roberts negotiated a deal with Justice Kavanaugh to rule against Alabama’s first congressional map according to reporting from CNN . Alabama file...

Redistricting Monthly: August 8, 2023

Recent Redistricting News

SCOTUS News Alexander v. S.C. State Conference of the NAACP The Supreme Court scheduled oral arguments in a case over South Carolina’s congressional map for October 11, 2023. SCOTUS Docket...

Redistricting Monthly: July 7, 2023

Recent Redistricting News

SCOTUS News The Supreme Court issued two notable redistricting-related opinions in June and issued orders in two other related cases. Allen v. Milligan and Allen v. Caster The two cases ou...

Redistricting Monthly: June 7, 2023

Recent Redistricting News

SCOTUS Watch The Supreme Court is nearing the end of its current term and is yet to rule on a pair of lawsuits with significant redistricting implications. SCOTUS traditionally releases all its ...

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