
County Level Population Estimate Shifts

County Level Population Estimate Shifts

Dive deeper into the county level population changes since the 2020 Census in the map below. Examine birth rates, death rates, international and domestic migration rates for each county from April 2020 to July 2023.

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2022 Election Results are Now Live

In the November 2022 Election, over 6,400 state legislative districts across 46 states were up for election (Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, and Virginia did not hold state legislative election...

2020 Migration via IRS Tax Returns

Migration patterns from the first official county level migration data for 2020.

The data used for this analysis was provided by the Population Migration dataset from the IRS’s Statistics of Income (SOI). This dataset uses the number of tax returns filed for an approximate numb...

Redistricting Glossary: Census

Redistricting terms related specifically to the Decennial Census and U.S. Census Bureau.

Alaska Native Self-identification among people of Alaska Native descent. There were six main Alaska Native groups in the 2020 Census: Alaska Athabaskan Aleut Inupiat Tlingit-Haida Tsimsh...

Redistricting Glossary: Basics

Redistricting terms related specifically to the redistricting and electoral process.

Alternative Population Base A count other than total population from the federal decennial census that is used for redistricting. Apportionment After each Decennial Census, the populat...

Redistricting Glossary: Geography & Map Drawing

Redistricting terms related specifically to geography and drawing maps.

Block Assignment File The file format for many of the geographic products that the Census Bureau provides to states and other data users containing the small area census data necessary for leg...

FLAF 2030 Census Comment

In August 2022, the U.S. Census Bureau published a notice in the Federal Register seeking input and suggestions from the public on the operational design of the 2030 Census. The 2020 Census was p...

Cook Political Report Announces New Formula for Partisan Voter Index

The Cook Partisan Voter Index (PVI) has historically utilized the two-party presidential results of the last two previous elections, weighted equally, to calculate each cycle's PVI. Last week,...

Party Control Maps (1960-2020)
Maps  |  National

Party Control Maps (1960-2020)

Post 2020 Election - Congressional Post 2020 Election - Legislative 2011 Redistricting Control 2001 Red...

2020-2022 Commission Deadlines

Redistricting commission deadlines affected by the 2020 Census data delay.

On February 12, 2021, the U.S. Census Bureau announced that the PL-94-171 2020 Census data that is necessary for congressional and legislative redistricting will not be delivered to the states un...

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