Case Summary
In 2017, several Pennsylvania voters filed a state lawsuit against various state election officials challenging the state’s 2011 congressional redistricting plan as a partisan gerrymander in violation of the Pennsylvania Constitution’s Free and Equal Elections Clause, which states “Elections shall be free and equal; and no power, civil or military, shall at any time interfere to prevent the free exercise of the right of suffrage.” Unlike previous partisan gerrymandering challenges, which were based on various provisions of the U.S. Constitution, plaintiffs here alleged the plan violated this state constitutional provision by ignoring the state’s traditional redistricting criteria to maximize Republican electoral advantages.
- On January 22, 2018, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued an order striking down the congressional plan as unconstitutional under the Free and Equal Elections Clause, adopting the state’s traditional redistricting criteria as a standard for evaluating state constitutional partisan gerrymandering claims. The Court barred the plan from use in future elections, enjoined the state from proceeding with the May 15, 2018, primary elections as scheduled, and gave the General Assembly until February 9, 2018, to pass and send a remedial plan to the Governor that met certain criteria laid out in the Court’s order. If the Governor accepted the plan, the Court ordered it be submitted to the Court by February 15, 2018; if either failed, the Court would proceed to implement a remedial plan of its own.
- On January 26, 2018, the Court appointed Nathaniel Persily as the Court’s advisor to assist in creating a remedial congressional plan, if necessary.
- On February 7, 2018, the Court filed its full opinion explaining its January 22 order.
- On February 19, 2018, after the General Assembly failed to pass a remedial plan by its deadline, the Court issued an opinion and order adopting the Court’s own remedial congressional plan for use in the 2018 election.
- On February 27, 2018, the legislative leaders-intervenors filed an emergency application for a stay pending resolution of appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court, which was denied on March 19, 2018.
- On June 21, 2018, the legislative leaders-intervenors filed a petition for writ of certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court asking whether the Pennsylvania Supreme Court violated the U.S. Constitution’s Elections Clause by assuming authority over the congressional redistricting process based upon their interpretation of state constitutional provisions not related to redistricting. SCOTUS denied certiorari on October 29, 2018, effectually blessing the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision.
Significance: This case marked the first time that a state's electoral districts were struck down as a partisan gerrymander based upon a State Constitution's "Free and Equal Elections" Clause, a ruling that the U.S. Supreme Court seemingly blessed when it denied certiorari in this case in 2018 (Turzai v. Brandt, 139 S.Ct. 445 (2018)). In light of the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Rucho v. Common Cause that federal courts lack jurisdiction over partisan gerrymandering claims, and with twenty-nine other states' constitutions containing "Free Elections" Clauses similar to Pennsylvania's, these clauses could provide potential avenues for future litigants to bring partisan gerrymandering claims in state court.
Case Library
Pennsylvania Supreme Court - No. 159 MM 2017 [178 A.3d 737 (Pa. 2018)]
- Petitioners' Opening Brief - 1/5/18
- Brief of Amici Curiae American Civil Liberties Union and American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania in Support of Petitioners - 1/5/18
- Brief of Amici Curiae Bernard Grofman and Ronald Keith Gaddie in Support of Neither Party - 1/5/18
- Brief of Amicus Curiae The Pittsburgh Foundation in Support of Petitioners - 1/5/18
- Brief of Amici Curiae, Pennsylvania AFL-CIO and Other Pennsylvania Unions in Support of Petitioners - 1/5/18
- Brief of Amici Curiae Political Science Professors in Support of Petitioners - 1/5/18
- Brief of Amicus Curiae Campaign Legal Center in Support of Petitioners - 1/5/18
- Brief of Amicus Curiae Common Cause - 1/5/18
- Brief of Amicus Curiae The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law in Support of Petitioners - 1/5/18
- Brief for Intervenors - 1/10/18
- Brief of Respondents Governor Thomas W. Wolf, Acting Secretary Robert Torres, and Commissioner Jonathan Marks - 1/10/18
- Brief of Respondents/Appellees Michael C. Turzai, in His Official Capacity as Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, and Joseph B. Scarnati, III, in His Official Capacity as Pennsylvania Senate President Pro Tempore - 1/10/18
- Brief of Respondent, Lt. Governor Michael J. Stack, III - 1/10/18
- Petitioners' Reply Brief - 1/12/18
- Per Curiam Order - 1/22/18
- Dissenting Statement by Chief Justice Saylor - 1/22/18
- Concurring and Dissenting Statement by Justice Baer - 1/22/18
- Dissenting Statement by Justice Mundy - 1/22/18
- Application of Intervenors for Relief to Stay the Court's January 22, 2018 Order - 1/23/18
- Respondents/Appellees Michael C. Turzai, in His Official Capacity as Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and Joseph B. Scarnati III, in His Official Capacity as Pennsylvania Senate President Pro Tempore Application for Stay of Court's Order of January 22, 2018 - 1/23/18
- Order Denying Applications for Stay - 1/25/18
- Per Curiam Order - 1/26/18
- Concurring and Dissenting Statement by Justice Baer - 1/26/18
- January 29, 2018 Letter from Intervenors Brian McCann, et al. - 1/29/18
- January 30, 2018 Letter from Respondents Governor Thomas W. Wolf, Acting Secretary Robert Torres, and Commissioner Jonathan Marks - 1/30/18
- January 30, 2018 Letter from Petitioners - 1/30/18
- January 31, 2018 Letter from Senate President Pro Tempore Scarnati - 1/31/18
- January 31, 2018 Letter from House Speaker Turzai - 1/31/18
- January 31, 2018 Letter from Lt. Governor Stack - 1/31/18
- January 31, 2018 Letter from the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - 1/31/18
- Application of Respondents Michael C. Turzai in His Official Capacity as Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, and Joseph B. Scarnati, III, in His Official Capacity as Pennsylvania Senate President Pro Tempore for a Hearing on Their Application for Disqualification of Justice David Wecht and for Full Disclosure by Justice Christine Donohue - 2/4/18
- Petition to File Amicus Brief Nonc Pro Tunc on Behalf of Concerned Citizens for Democracy - 2/4/18
- Petitioners' Answer to Legislative Respondents' Application for Disqualification of Justice Wecht and for Full Disclosure by Justice Donohue - 2/5/18
- Answer of Respondents Governor Thomas W. Wolf, Acting Secretary Robert Torres, and Commissioner Jonathan Marks to Application of Respondents Michael C Turzai and Joseph B. Scarnati, III, in Their Official Capacities, For Disqualification of Justice David Wecht and for Full Disclosure by Justice Christine Donohue - 2/5/18
- Response of Justice Christine Donohue to the Application of Respondents Michael C. Turzai, in His Official Capacity as Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, and Joseph B. Scarnati, III, in His Official Capacity as Pennsylvania Senate President Pro Tempore for Full Disclosure - 2/5/18
- Concurrence to Legislative Respondents' Application for Disqualification - 2/5/19
- Order - 2/5/18
- Memorandum Opinion and Order - 2/5/18
- Majority Opinion - 2/7/18
- Dissenting Opinion by Chief Justice Saylor - 2/7/18
- Concurring and Dissenting Opinion by Justice Baer - 2/7/18
- Dissenting Opinion by Justice Mundy - 2/7/18
- Brief for Amicus Curiae Concerned Citizens for Democracy - 2/7/18
- Brief of Respondents Michael C. Turzai, in His Official Capacity as Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, and Joseph B. Scarnati, III, in His Official Capacity as Pennsylvania Senate President Pro Tempore in Support of Proposed Remedial Congressional Districting Map - 2/9/18
- February 13, 2018 Letter from Respondent Governor Thomas W. Wolf - 2/13/18
- Legislative Respondents' Letter in Response to Gov. Thomas W. Wolf's February 13, 2018 Letter - 2/13/18
- Application for Leave to File an Amicus Brief in Response to the Congressional Map Proposed by President Pro Tempore Joseph B. Scarnati, III and Speaker Michael C. Turzai by Amicus Brief by Amicus Curiae Concerned Citizens for Democracy - 2/15/18
- Application for Leave to File Amicus Brief Nunc Pro Tunc on Behalf of Fair Democracy - 2/15/18
- Petition to File Amicus Curiae Brief Nunc Pro Tunc on Behalf of The American Civil Rights Union - 2/15/18
- Application of Respondents Acting Secretary Robert Torres and Commissioner Jonathan Marks for Approval of Election Calendar Adjustments - 2/15/18
- Petitioners' Brief in Support of Proposed Remedial Plans - 2/15/18
- Motion of Amici Curiae Adele Schneider and Stephen Wolf Seeking Leave of Court to Submit Brief in Support of Proposed Remedial Districting Plans - 2/15/18
- Proposed Districting Plan Submitted by Pennsylvania House of Representatives Democratic Caucus - 2/15/18
- Proposed Districting Plan Submitted by Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus - 2/15/18
- Proposed Redistricting Plan of Respondent, Lt. Governor Michael J. Stack, III - 2/15/18
- Proposed Districting Plan Submitted by Intervenors - 2/15/18
- Statement of Respondent Thomas W. Wolf in Support of His Proposed Remedial Congressional Map Pursuant to Court's Orders of January 22 and January 26, 2018 - 2/15/18
- Petitioners' Application for Leave to File a Reply in Support of Proposed Remedial Plans - 2/18/18
- Brief in Opposition to Proposed Remedial Congressional Districting Maps Submitted by Petitioners, Governor Wolf, Lieutenant Governor Stack, Democratic Caucus of the Pennsylvania Senate and Democratic Caucus of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives - 2/18/18
- Petitioners' Reply in Support of Proposed Remedial Plans - 2/19/18
- Brief of Amicus Curiae Concerned Citizens for Democracy - 2/19/18
- Brief of Amicus Curiae The American Civil Rights Union - 2/19/18
- Brief of Amici Curiae Adele Schneider and Stephen Wolf in Support of Proposed Remedial Districting Plans - 2/19/18
- Per Curiam Opinion and Order - 2/19/18
- Dissenting Opinion of Chief Justice Saylor - 2/19/18
- Dissenting Opinion of Justice Baer - 2/19/18
- Dissenting Opinion of Justice Mundy - 2/19/18
- Application of Governor Thomas W. Wolf for Leave to File a Reply in Support of His Proposed Remedial Plan - 2/20/18
- Notice Concerning Implementation of the Remedial Plan - 2/20/18
- Second Notice Concerning Implementation of the Remedial Plan - 2/20/18
- Respondents/Appellees Michael C. Turzai, in His Official Capacity as Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and Joseph B. Scarnati III, in His Official Capacity as Pennsylvania Senate President Pro Tempore Application for Stay of Court's Orders of January 22, 2018 and February 19, 2018 - 2/22/18
- Textual Description of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's Remedial Plan for Congressional Districts - 2/22/18
- Governor Thomas W. Wolf's Reply in Support of His Proposed Remedial Plan - 2/22/18
- Letter of No Answer by Intervenors Brian McCann, et al. - 2/26/18
- Letter of No Answer by Respondent Lt. Governor Michael J. Stack, III - 2/26/18
- Answer of Respondents Governor Thomas W. Wolf, Acting Secretary Robert Torres, and Commissioner Jonathan Marks to Legislative Respondents' and Intervenors' Applications for Stay of Court's Orders of February 19, 2018 and January 22, 2018 - 2/26/18
- Petitioners' Answer to Legislative Respondents' Second Application for Stay - 2/26/18
- Order Denying Respondents' Application for Stay - 2/27/18
U.S. Supreme Court - Nos. 17-1700; 17A909 [Turzai v. Brandt, 139 S.Ct. 445 (2018)]
- Emergency Application for Stay Pending Resolution of Appeal to This Court - 2/27/18
- League of Women Voters Plaintiffs-Respondents' Response in Opposition to Emergency Application for Stay Pending the Disposition of Petition for a Writ of Certiorari - 3/5/18
- Governor Wolf Respondents' Response in Opposition to Emergency Application for Stay Pending Resolution of Appeal to This Court - 3/5/18
- Lieutenant Governor Stack Respondents' Response in Opposition to Emergency Application for Stay Pending Resolution of Appeal to This Court - 3/5/18
- Motion for Leave to File Amicus Brief and Amicus Curiae Brief of Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund in Support of Applicants - 3/5/18
- Republican Party of Pennsylvania's Motion for Leave to File Amicus Brief, and Amicus Brief - 3/5/18
- Answer of State Court Intervenors to the Emergency Application of Senator Scarnati and Representative Turzai for a Stay Pending Appeal to the United States Supreme Court - 3/5/18
- Motion for Leave to File Brief of Dick Thornburgh and Bill McCollum as Amici Curiae in Support of Application for Stay Pending Resolution of Petition for a Writ of Certiorari - 3/5/18
- Reply in Support of Emergency Application for Stay Pending Resolution of Appeal to This Court - 3/6/18
- Order Denying Application for Stay - 3/19/18
- Petition for Writ of Certiorari - 6/21/18
- Amicus Brief for American Civil Rights Union in Support of Petition for Writ of Certiorari - 7/25/18
- Brief for Respondents Gretchen Brandt, et al., in Opposition to Certiorari - 9/24/18
- Brief of Respondents Governor Thomas W. Wolf, et al., in Opposition to Certiorari - 9/24/18
- Reply Brief of Petitioner Michael C. Turzai, et al. - 10/9/18
- Writ of Certiorari Denial - 10/29/18